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Food Central West, Fosse Park hanging fabric banners installation guide

Confident in our vast experience and expertise in branding retail spaces, The Crown Estate commissioned Studio One to design, print and install a series of large-scale shopfront branding graphics to mark the public launch campaign of their £168 million 140,000 sq. ft. new Fosse Park West Food Central in Leicester.

fabric banners installation guide

Challenges turned into opportunities

Pre-install site survey visits carefully assessed the window dimensions and highlighted any potential challenges in this environment, such as access, fixings, lighting and façade glass type. Following this assessment, our recommended specification to achieve optimum results were giant hanging fabric banners; the glazing limitations with the type of glass that were identified in our survey made it impossible for vinyl graphics to be applied. Our team had to work with the pre-existing building structures with no permanent alterations; added to this, the beam to fix the banners ran above the top of only the middle glazing, meaning additional fixings to support the banners needed to be sourced.

fabric banners installation guide

One-piece vibrant promotions

We designed and produced 10 large scale UV digitally printed block out fabric banners, each measuring 10m x 4.5m. These seamless one-piece visual graphics were printed onto block out fabric for maximum colour vibrancy, resilience to sunlight and to prevent anyone from seeing into the empty units. The lightweight, fire-rated fabric was easier to install and lighter to hang from the pre-existing beam. Pole pockets sewn into the fabric to the top and bottom secured the banners to the existing building structure and were weighted at the bottom to create a smooth, taut finish.

fabric banners installation guide

fabric banners installation guide

fabric banners installation guide

fabric banners installation guide

fabric banners installation guide

Fast and efficient installation in 4 days

Initially our fully accredited team carefully pre-fit prepped the area ready for installation. The entire Installation, from start to finish, was comfortably completed in just a 4-day window, ready for the public launch of Food Central on 12 April. Our multiple fitting teams worked with two scissor lifts to carefully support the full width of each banner as they were lifted and installed on the supporting beam, with Studio One’s project manager on hand ensuring everything went smoothly. An aftercare visit was carried out one week post-launch.

shopfront branding graphics

shopfront branding graphics

shopfront branding graphics

shopfront branding graphics

shopfront branding graphics

For more information about window graphics and to discuss your next project, please contact us on +44 (0) 1604 774 860
or email us at



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