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Giant internal hoarding during Roadchef refurbishment at Strensham Service Station

Roadchef is one of Britain’s leading roadside service area operators, welcoming more than 52 million customers every year with 30 different locations on the motorway and major trunk roads across the length and breadth of the country. Studio One are pleased to have worked with Roadchef to provide the signage and hoardings for many of their site refurbishments and new developments.

internal hoarding

Impactful wall graphic

Roadchef required an internal hoarding on a huge scale to protect their customers during a period of external construction works. A 50m wide x 6m high timber structure was erected internally to clad the glass facade of the service station and Studio One was asked to create a giant wall graphic to make this aesthetically more appealing and act as a powerful promotional canvas to visitors. We designed, produced and installed a 300 sqm impactful wall graphic out of hours to cloak and disguise the timber structure.

internal hoarding

internal hoarding

Working in unison

The structure was firstly sealed to provide a suitable surface to apply a self adhesive vinyl to, ensuring good adhesion and a great aesthetic finish. The vinyl was printed in strips and applied like traditional wallpaper, only on a giant scale. The vinyl was fitted top down from a mobile scaffold tower over three tiers. Our fitters worked in unison to apply each drop perfectly to achieve a seamless graphic across the full 50m width. To minimise the impact to Roadchef customers the installation works were undertaken at night for 3 consecutive days to complete the task.

For more information about hoarding and to discuss your next project, please contact us on +44 (0) 1604 774 860
or email us at



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